Rabu, 02 Mei 2018

Visit Indonesia, Learn The Rules Before

Hi traveler, today I want inform you about the rules of belongings which carriage traveler into Indonesia. This article using English, because I look statistic my blog, exactly an American was second biggest reader of Catatan Kecik after an Indonesian. I have responsibility to explain my article special to people talked English, so they have understand by my clarity, although my English bad.

In the end of 2017, Ministry of Finance Mrs. Sri Mulyani Indrawati has been issued the rules about belongings of traveler which carriage into Indonesia, on rule number 203/PMK.04/2017. The point of rule was limitations value of goods and paid of import duty.

Every people which arrived with belongings as personal use, free import duty and taxes of import if the value of belongings up to $500 dollar of America. Over $500, Indonesia Customs will be collect import duty and import taxes your belongings, with tariff 10% for import duty and various tariff of import taxes from over value. The rule only for goods of personal use and not applied to commercial use.

Traveler too got free excise for 200 cigarettes, 25 cigars, or 100 gr sliced tobacco or other tobacco processed, and 1 liter drink containing ethyl alcohol. If you bringing over than it, so its excess will be destroyed by Customs.

You must declare your belongings to Customs Officers using document called Customs Declaration. You can look the document under this article. See you and I hope this article useful for you. Bye..

Customs Declaration

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